

  1. Only cases emanating out of the Belgian territory will be taken into account
  2. There are 3 levels of awards possible: Gold, Silver and Brons and each of the award levels will be awarded to 1 winning agency maximum (expect in case of ex aequo – Jury’s prerogative)
  3. The nominated agency with the most points will receive the Gold award, the runner up Silver and the 3rd nominee Bronze
  4. The Jury’s decision is final
  5. There will be 2 parts to the competition:
    1. Written submission that will be scored by the Jury to define the shortlisted nominees
    2. Live presentation by final nominees in the presence of the full Jury


  1. Entries will not be considered for judging if payment has not been received by 3rd February 2025
  2. No agency submissions will be allowed after the deadline of 3rd February and entry fees paid will not be refunded if agency fails to submit on deadline
  3. Agencies wishing to submit in different categories will have to pay the entry fee for each of the categories
  4. Submissions that do not take into account the stipulated format and/or number of pages and/or requirements stipulated in the section ‘Awards & Requirements’ will be disqualified and entry fees paid will not be refunded if agency fails to comply
  5. The Jury scores will be consolidated to arrive at the final score per agency submission
  6. Agency submission with a consolidated score below 70% will not be retained for any next step
  7. Agency submissions with a score of 70% or above will be considered but only the highest scoring 3 agency submissions will go through to the final stage
  8. Agencies with a non-retained submission will receive their final score by mail – no further feedback will be given by any of the Jury members or members of the organising committee

Live presentation final nominees

  1. Only the top 3 participants (except in case of ex aequo) of all submissions scoring 70% or above on their submission, will be invited for the final Live presentation
  2. Live presentation is mandatory for all final nominees and will be in front of the full Jury. Failure to participate will result in a disqualification
  3. Invited agencies will each get a 15min timeslot plus 5 minutes Q&A from the Jury – timekeeping will be strict with cut off if needed
  4. The presentation will be evaluated and this score will make out 10% of the final score of the agency (added and consolidated with the submission score) and define the level of award the nominee will receive
  5. If a Jury member or the President is currently working with one of the nominees that present, this member will not be able to participate in the final presentation debate & scoring
  6. In case of ex aequo, the President has veto
  7. No results will be communicated before the Award Ceremony

Award ceremony

Final nominees need to be present, or appoint a representative to be present, at the awards ceremony in order to receive their trophy(ies)